Wednesday, July 23, 2008

**BaBy gIrL**

Well kiddos,
All of you who have waiting as anxiously as we have, we had our ultrasound today! It's another little girl! I am really going to have to think hard for a name. I had tossed all the girl names aside because this pregnancy has been total opposite of Addy. The baby is calm all the time, rarely moves, has a much slower heart rate, reacts to good food and exercise v.s. Addy went nuts over chocolate haha. I am carrying the baby all out front and none on the sides. So when they announced and showed proof that it was another girl I squealed with excitement haha. I think Addy will do better with a little sister than a little brother, but I was excited to hear it was a boy if it would have gone that way!

They moved up the due date by two weeks. They baby is showing growth of being due around October 13th or 15th instead of the 25th. I am excited to see her and hold her. I hope she looks more like me, because Adam got most the credit for Addison's beauty. hehe. How fun! I thought I would let everyone know since we have had to wait longer this time around! Ooo I just wonder what personality she will have. My guess is Adam's since she is much calmer than Addy. :D If I get the chance and ability to post pics of the ultrasound pics before she gets here, I will do that! Be watching for new pics regardless within the next 2-3 months! Until next time-


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

New things and getting by

Today is a cold more relaxing day. I find the cooler weather refreshing while some people find it depressing, haha. It's been pretty hot the last 3 or 4 days, so I was able to work on maintaining my tan. ;) Here we are on our last week of Adam's clinical!! Last week flew by with Adam gone working with my dad in Spokane. He was able to earn some well needed money to help us pay some bills and get back to Utah this weekend. Along with working in Spokane, he has been doing rework on the stairs and deck here at the house. I am proud of him and all of his hard to work to get by.

I find that I read a lot as of about a month ago. I love novels and am happy I found two other authors I really like other than just Mary Higgins Clark. :) She is fantastic, but I have also become fond of Danielle Steel and Debbie Macomber. They are hard to put down. Reading has sure helped time go by quicker also when Addy has to go down for a nap. That girl is getting taller everyday and is growing out her need for a nap, so I have to cut her naps short so she will sleep in past 5 am! Speaking of which I am behind schedule getting her up on time. haha.

We are really excited to be leaving Saturday morning. I am more so than Adam I think, but we are both just ready to keep moving forward to wrap up the test taking and starting the new career! It's going to really open up some new doors and so many to choose from. I am 27 weeks along now so with all the activity of graduation, getting to the new job, into a new place, the baby will be coming before too long too! I have my ultrasound tomorrow but I already feel very strongly that it's our little Koda. :D He is calmer than Addy was and sticks straight out instead of all around my midsection. It's getting harder to sleep and I wake up every morning with a crooked sore back and krinked neck. lol.

Funny points:
Addy watched mommy put on deodorant the other day and I found her in the bathroom putting on my deodorant... lol the only difference is that she thinks it's meant to go on the belly not the armpits. :D Big girl now~ We got it on video... Anyway, I better run, but I will write again soon!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Lost in Time

Wow it's hard to believe how much time has gone by since the last time I posted anything!! I must say if there is any year that will have or has flown by the quickest, it would be this year. With us plugging along faithfully some days and grudgingly other days for the end of Adam's schooling to come, haha, time seems lost.

Addy is growing up to be such a big girl and has really changed after being moving around so much during these past few months of Adam's schooling. She has adapted really well in some areas and really put up defenses in others. She is 18 months old now, speaks more words and phrases with each passing month, and the newest... she has taken on the liking of movies.

Before we moved out of our townhome in Pleasant Grove, I only allowed one hour at the most a day of watching the cube. And the rest of the day we were being active and playing with toys. Being put in different circumstances and surroundings sure shifts your way of living in more than one way! But regardless.. it's almost over. Her favorite movies are ICE AGE and Lady in the Tramp. She calls Lady and the Tramp the dog movie and Ice Age, she pronounces clearly. No mistaking the favorite of the two haha.

At this time, we are living in Northern Idaho at my father's house in St. Maries. Adam only has 3 weeks left which seems so far away some days, but really it's gone by so fast. We have already been here for 7 weeks. It was hard coming here, not knowing if I would ever see Utah as home again. I still don't know if it will ever be that again, but I sure miss everything we left behind. I have a few great friends there I wish I could pack up and move with me everywhere we move! It is a small world, so who knows who we will run into in the future or what we will end up doing.

When we leave here, we will once again move into Adam's parents house for the month of August to work on getting back on our financial feet. We are anxious to pay his parents back for the car they gave us. One month ought to do it! :) We are not sure still if he will keep the job he accepted here in Kellogg Idaho or if we will move back to Utah. I am not sure where I want to settle, and I want to settle wherever will be good for Addy. I want that more than anything. I want her to have good influences in her life and have family oriented surroundings. So we will continue to pray about it and do what we feel is best for us. We are still unsure what we are second baby is or where we are having it. I still don't have a doc and I am due in 17 weeks! Eek!

I don't have the ability to post any new recent pics just yet until we get back into our own place with the use of our own computer, so for now until Sept... or Oct.. I will just have to do updates. Then when the new baby comes in Oct, I will post a bunch of the baby and Addy. I have a lot of new ones I have taken of Addy up here. It's so beautiful. We love to swim in Papa's Lake (that's what Addy calls her grandpa.. hehe). It's a secluded area with very little noise and a great summer place. We hope everyone had a great 4th. Ours was interesting. I will leave it at that. :) Until next time!