Sunday, October 7, 2007

Best Friend

Tonight I went with one of my best girlfriends, and we decided getting out would be very beneficial to us both. We went on a walk on the Provo Trail. We even found a favorite spot with a swing! :) It swings between several trees, and it's just beautiful. It's a trail in Provo by an apartment where I used to live. I would run on this trail each morning while it was cool, and when I could listen to and easily hear the river beside me. We looked a little silly taking pictures along the way, but it was a time to remember! We laughed and talked about the things girls talk about. :) :)

The water sounded refreshing, relaxing, and rejuvinating. It sounded so free and the air was clear and crisp. We got real cold at the end of the walk, but we made it back before dark. At one point of the trail, there was a sign that read, "Rough Trails Ahead". It got me thinking about life. Wouldn't it be nice if when we came upon a new chapter in our lives, we got warning signs like that? Oh.. uh.. Tara, "Rough Trails Ahead".. you might want to reconsider doing that! haha.. So we made our jokes about what that could apply to right now. May there always be laughter in our hearts and ears, and always be a great friend beside us to help us as we pass through those stages in our lives. :) Thanks to all of you for the times you were exactly that for me!!

A humorous part of the walk:

There was a deep puddle of water right in the middle of the path! Suzie had sandals on, me.. I had crocs. Neither are great for such conditions. So.. we contemplated for a short moment about how we could get past the water. Suz decided she would just walk through it and roll up her jeans...... There is something about me that always makes me take the more creative/challenging route... thinking that it might end up smoother than the usual way people do things. :) SO.. I decided to stand on the giant stone in the middle of the water.... try to "monkey bar it" across holding onto gate metal overhead.. and then LEAP the length of the remaining water.. haha... well, I did in fact make it, but I got more wet than Suzie and just about ripped my freezing fingers right off my hand! lol. I will just say after we turned around to go back, we found a completely different way of getting past the water trap. :):) Have a great night all!


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